Governor of California Orders All 40 Million Residents of State to Stay at Home


California Gov. Gavin Newsom issued an executive order late Thursday night direct all of the state’s 40 million residents to stay at home in response to the Coronavirus pandemic.

You can read the executive order here:

The governor acted based on new information from Johns Hopkins University that as many as 50 percent of the state’s residents will within the next eight weeks have the Coronavirus.

Politico provided these details:

Gov. Gavin Newsom on Thursday ordered California’s nearly 40 million residents to stay home, making it the first state to impose that strict mandate on all residents to counteract a looming surge of new infections.

The order takes effect immediately and remains in place “until further notice.” Californians are not allowed to leave home except for essential purposes. They are allowed to purchase groceries, prescriptions and health care, as well as commute to jobs deemed essential.

The governor’s order comes with misdemeanor penalties for anyone who violates the restrictions, though he said he believes social pressure will keep people home rather than law enforcement.

Breitbart News added these details:

We need to bend the curve in the state of California,” Newsom said in an announcement. “There’s a social contract here. People I think recognize the need to do more. They will adjust and adapt as they have.”

“Home isolation is not my preferred choice … but it is a necessary one,” Newsom added. “This is not a permanent state; it is a moment in time.”

In accordance with the new “stay at home” measure, dine-in restaurants, bars, clubs, gyms, and fitness studios will be closed. Public events and gatherings of people are also not permitted.

As of Friday morning, 63 percent of the deaths from Coronavirus (133 out of 218) were in three states: California, New York , and Washington.





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One Thought to “Governor of California Orders All 40 Million Residents of State to Stay at Home”

  1. 83ragtop50

    That is one way to keep more and more from moving out of his horrible state.
